Private Sub Cmdhapus_Click()
Dim xhapus As String
xhapus = InputBox("Ketik No. Cust yang akan di hapus", "Lookup")
If StrPtr(xhapus) = 0 Then
'Kode InputBox Cancel
'MsgBox "You pressed cancel!"
ElseIf Len(xhapus) = 0 Then
MsgBox "Anda Harus Mengisi Kode, tidak boleh kosong", vbInformation, "Hapus"
Adocustomer.RecordSource = "select * from customer where nocust='" & Trim(xhapus) & "'"
If Adocustomer.Recordset.RecordCount > 0 Then
MsgBox "Data telah terhapus"
MsgBox "No. Cust yang anda masukkan tidak ada"
End If
End If
Adocustomer.RecordSource = "select * from customer"
End Sub
hellow... thanks y udah kunjungin blog aq. disini aq posting beberapa tips tentang pemrograman visual basic, semoga bermanfaat
Jumat, 20 Juni 2014
Senin, 16 Juni 2014
Pembulatan Angka
Dim Nilai As Double, Hasil As Long
Nilai = 1.4 'bilangan yg akan dibulatkan
Hasil = Int(Nilai) + IIf(CDbl(CStr(Nilai - Int(Nilai))) >= 0.4, 1, 0) 'Batas = 0,4
Selasa, 01 April 2014
Membatasi input Textbox hanya bisa diisi angka
If Not ((KeyAscii >= 48) And (KeyAscii <= 57) Or KeyAscii = 8) Then
KeyAscii = 0
End If
Kamis, 16 Januari 2014
Menghitung Sum & Count sebuah tabel dengan adodc
Private Sub CariTotal()
adototal.RecordSource = "select sum(debet) as vTotDeb,sum(kredit) as vTotKre from jurnal where day(tanggal)>= " & Day(CDate(TxtTglAwal.Value)) & " and day(tanggal)<= " & Day(CDate(TxtTglAkhir.Value)) & " and Month(tanggal)>= " & Month(CDate(TxtTglAwal.Value)) & " And Month(tanggal)<= " & Month(CDate(TxtTglAkhir.Value)) & " and Year(tanggal)>=" & Year(CDate(TxtTglAwal.Value)) & " and Year(tanggal)<=" & Year(CDate(TxtTglAkhir.Value)) & ""
lblTotalDebet.Caption = adototal.Recordset!vTotDeb
lblTotalKredit.Caption = adototal.Recordset!vTotKre
End Sub
Private Sub cari_salah()
adoQbnrSlh.RecordSource = "select count(*) as hasil_slh from QBenarSalah where hasil='SALAH'"
txtsalah.Text = adoQbnrSlh.Recordset!hasil_slh
End Sub
Private Sub cari_benar()
adoQbnrSlh.RecordSource = "select count(*) as hasil_bnr from QBenarSalah where hasil='BENAR'"
txtbenar.Text = adoQbnrSlh.Recordset!hasil_bnr
End Sub
adototal.RecordSource = "select sum(debet) as vTotDeb,sum(kredit) as vTotKre from jurnal where day(tanggal)>= " & Day(CDate(TxtTglAwal.Value)) & " and day(tanggal)<= " & Day(CDate(TxtTglAkhir.Value)) & " and Month(tanggal)>= " & Month(CDate(TxtTglAwal.Value)) & " And Month(tanggal)<= " & Month(CDate(TxtTglAkhir.Value)) & " and Year(tanggal)>=" & Year(CDate(TxtTglAwal.Value)) & " and Year(tanggal)<=" & Year(CDate(TxtTglAkhir.Value)) & ""
lblTotalDebet.Caption = adototal.Recordset!vTotDeb
lblTotalKredit.Caption = adototal.Recordset!vTotKre
End Sub
Private Sub cari_salah()
adoQbnrSlh.RecordSource = "select count(*) as hasil_slh from QBenarSalah where hasil='SALAH'"
txtsalah.Text = adoQbnrSlh.Recordset!hasil_slh
End Sub
Private Sub cari_benar()
adoQbnrSlh.RecordSource = "select count(*) as hasil_bnr from QBenarSalah where hasil='BENAR'"
txtbenar.Text = adoQbnrSlh.Recordset!hasil_bnr
End Sub
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